Who we are

The establishment of The Islamic Center started in the year 2003, and officially completed in 2005, the year its doors opened. We were a small group of believers who were without a permanent place of worship as a result of structural issues with the small rental property in West Trenton that was used for our meeting place. Qareeb Bashir, who was serving not only as the Amir of this group, but also as the Amir of the Islamic Council of Greater Trenton, realized that there was a mosque or Islamic organization in every municipality of Mercer County except Ewing.

Through Allah’s blessing, a vacant building was found in Ewing. This small group of believers pooled their resources together and purchased the property at 685 Parkway Avenue. The property had been vacant for several years and needed a lot of repairs. Again, with Allah’s blessing, we were able to do 90% of the needed repairs and renovations ourselves. After approximately two years of work, the masjid was finally complete and our first Jummah was held in March of 2005.

Although the original founders were predominately African Americans and in the association of the late Imam Warith Deen Mohammed, we are proud to have grown as one of the most diverse masajid in the area. The Islamic Center of Ewing has also established an excellent relationship with our neighbors as well as the political leaders in Ewing, Trenton, and throughout Mercer County. The Islamic Center is a full-service Masjid, operating with an Imam, a Shuraa Board, various committees, and a weekend school. We recently purchased property and went before Ewing Township planning and zoning board and received approval of our plans to build a new Masjid from the ground up.

Sign board in front of Islamic Center of Ewing, NJ