Imam Qadir wearing a patterned cap and light suit.

Imam Qareeb A. Bashir

Currently, Qareeb A. Bashir is the Imam (religious leader) of the Islamic Center of Ewing. Additionally, he is the religious advisor to the Siraatal Mustiqeem program (a re-entry, assistance, and readjustment program). He also does volunteer mentoring as the Muslim Chaplin at the Mercer County Correctional Center, is president of the Islamic Council of Greater Trenton, sits on the advisory board of the New Jersey Shuraa, and serves as the Islamic Community Clergy for Capital Health Systems. He is a past executive board member of TASK (Trenton Area Soup Kitchen), he has served as the chairperson of their program committee. Furthermore, Imam Bashir is a member and past co-chairman of UMIO (United Mercer Inter-Faith Organization) and a member of Coalition for Peace. Some past organizations that he has held positions in over the years are:  Interested Citizens for Education, Trenton Advocate for Quality Education, Neighbors in Action, and various gang prevention awareness groups. Additionally, he has sponsored and coached several youth basketball teams over the years.

 Imam Qareeb Bashir studied at Mercer County College with courses in business management. He has studied under several Islamic Scholars from not only in the United States but teachers and scholars from abroad and of course including his mentor Imam W.D. Mohammed. He also attended Temple University with courses in Islamic Studies, Imam Bashir is a sought-after public speaker for many causes.

In addition to his religious duties and affiliations, Imam Bashir has made great achievements and history in the secular world in the Fire Service and was hired as a firefighter in the year 1981.

He is one of the founders of T.A.A.F.F.A (Trenton African American Fire Fighters Association). Appointed by the Mayor as the first recruiting officer for the City of Trenton, he developed a recruiting plan and official recruiting office for the Trenton Fire Department, which was a first for their department and attracted more minority recruits than ever before throughout his time there. During his time on the department, Imam Bashir participated in numerous continued educational courses, seminars, and certification programs, including classes at the National Fire Academy such as, but not limited to: trench rescue, hazardous material incidents, handling man made and natural disasters, level one & level two instructor, building construction and collapse, national incident command, multiple alarm management, fire department administration, and challenges of fire departments in urban areas. Imam Bashir was able to rise within the ranks, first being promoted to Captain in the year 1995.

His next promotion in 2005 gave him the distinction of being the first African American to attain the rank of Battalion Chief within the Trenton Fire Dept. He also holds the distinction of being the first African American in 2008 to work in the capacity of acting Deputy Chief. Although this position was temporary, it is important to note that prior to this position being eliminated, it was the highest-ranking uniform position within the department. In the year 2009, he retired from the uniform fire service. However, in 2010, Imam Bashir was appointed to a cabinet position by the Mayor of Trenton as the civilian Director of Fire & Emergency Services and again, held the distinction of being the first African American to hold this position within Trenton. And has served under two mayors.

Imam Bashir has been married for 46 years to his lovely wife Rajeeyah. They have five children and 14 grandchildren.

Mountain landscape with lake and cloudy sky

He called himself Muslim American Spokesman for Human Salvation and encouraged the common people and leaders of all religious traditions to return to the purity of their faith. Others called him “America’s Imam”; leader of the Muslim American Experience. He defined it, gave direction to it and devoted his life to it. Imam W. Deen Mohammed worked for the establishment of Muslim life in America and for freedom, justice and equality for Muslims, African Americans and all people. He both taught and demonstrated that Al-Islam is not only compatible with democracy but in fact gave birth to these same principles. His followers have proven that there is no contradiction between living a Muslim life and that of an American citizen. From 1975 to 2008 Imam W. Deen Mohammed traveled America and the world promoting interfaith cooperation for the common good of all, that humanity might achieve human excellence.